Before and After Photos
Photo Gallery: Eyelid Retraction Surgery
Upper/Lower Blepharoplasty + Periorbital Skin Resurfacing
Upper/Lower Lid Blepharoplasty
Left Upper Eyelid Ptosis Repair
Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
- BEFORE – This patient (and his wife) noticed a gradual worsening of upper eyelid hooding, and restriction of peripheral visual field, along with dimming of vision overall with a need for increased lighting to read comfortably.
- AFTER – After Dr. Berbos performed an upper eyelid blepharoplasty, the patient noticed improved peripheral vision, increased brightness in his vision, and resolution of the “heavy and tired” feeling he had before surgery.
Correction of Post-op Eyelid Retraction
- BEFORE – This patient had cosmetic lower eyelid surgery with a plastic surgeon. Post-operative scaring caused the lower eyelids to pull down, showing white beneath the iris, and causing difficulty closing the eyes.
- AFTER – Dr. Berbos performed surgery to repair the eyelid position to a natural and beautiful position. In addition, Dr. Berbos performed a cosmetic upper eyelid blepharoplasty to improve the appearance of the upper eyelids.
Ear Lobe Repair
- BEFORE – After many years of wearing earlobe gauges, this patient decided she wanted to return wearing traditional earrings.
- AFTER – Dr. Berbos performed ear lobe repair surgery in the office, and returned the ear lobe to it’s natural appearance. With time, the small incision lines will fade, and be unnoticeable.