Category: Glaucoma

Using Lasers For Glaucoma Surgery

by Dr. Andrew Rabinowitz Lasers have become a critical tool in treating and preventing many types of glaucoma. Lasers were first used in treating glaucoma less than 35 years ago.

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The Glaucoma Exam

A multi-faceted approach to accurate diagnosis. In recent years, the tests and instruments available to ophthalmologists in examining for glaucoma have been rapidly expanding. Today, a thorough examination of a

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The Role of Steroids in Glaucoma

About 20% of all patients when given oral or intravenous steroids in a dose equivalent to 20mg/day for a period in excess of 10-14 days can develop elevated intraocular pressure

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What Type of Glaucoma Do I Have?

There are several types of glaucoma. 1. “Wide” or ” Open” Angle Glaucoma 2. “Narrow” or “Closed” Angle Glaucoma 3. “Combined” or “Mixed” Mechanism Glaucoma Patients should know which type

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