Types of Glaucoma
Types Of Glaucoma
Though all glaucoma is caused by increased pressure in the eye, different types of the condition can yield different symptoms and levels of severity. Below are descriptions of some of the most common types of glaucoma.
Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma
The most common type of glaucoma affecting our Phoenix, Arizona, patients is called chronic glaucoma, or primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). In a normally operating eye, fluid called aqueous humor continually flows through the eye, eventually exiting through tissue known as the trabecular meshwork. In an eye affected by chronic glaucoma, this meshwork becomes blocked or clogged and fluid is unable to flow out of the eye. Intraocular pressure increases, pushing against the optic nerve and causing peripheral vision loss.
Angle Closure Glaucoma
Angle-closure glaucoma, or narrow-angle glaucoma, occurs suddenly and presents symptoms such as headaches, eye pain, haloes around lights, and nausea. This type of the disease occurs when fluid in the eye is suddenly kept from draining properly due to blockage or over-dilated pupils. Though symptoms may disappear, it is essential that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Each renewed attack destroys more of your sight.
Mixed Mechanism Glaucoma
Mixed Mechanism Glaucoma is a combination of narrow angles, or a decrease in space between the cornea and iris, and a clogged drainage system as in Open-Angle Glaucoma. This type of glaucoma may be the result of injury or disease.