Accepted Insurances
Insurances Accepted by Barnet Dulaney Perkins Eye Center
If you don’t see your insurance listed, please give us a call as some insurances change throughout the year.
Medical Insurances
A – B
- AARP Medicare Advantage
- AARP Medicare Advantage – Banner Health Network
- AARP Medicare Advantage – Optum Network
- AARP Medicare Advantage – Tuscon / Rural / Direct Networks
- Advantage Health Plan
- Advantra Freedom Medicare Advantage PFFS Plan
- Air Gas Safety (Optical)
- Aetna Commercial and Medicare Advantage
- AHCCCS (State Medicaid)
- Arizona Care Network
- Arizona Complete Health (formerly Healthnet AHCCCS)
- AZPC Network
- AZ Foundation for Medical Care
- Arizona State Physicians Association (PHCS, MultiPlan, Beech Street, Three Rivers, USA Managed Care, Galaxy Health)
- Banner Health Network
- Banner Choice Plan
- Banner University Family Care AHCCCS
- Beech Street PPO
- Benesight
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of AZ
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Alliance (BHN)
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Advantage
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Advantage – Banner Health Network
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Advantage – JCL / MIHS Networks
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Adv
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of AZ EyeWear (Optometrists)
- Bridgeway Health Solutions
- Bright Health
C – N
- Care 1st AHCCCS and Medicare Advantage
- CareMore Medicare Advantage
- Cigna – Commercial and Medicare Advantage
- Champva
- CRS (Children Rehab Services)
- CoreCivic
- Coventry National Networks (First Health, Mailhandlers)
- Eastern AZ College Advisory Team
- Galaxy Health Networks (ASPA)
- Gila River Healthcare
- Health Choice Arizona (Medicaid)
- Health Choice Generations Medicare Advantage
- Health Net of Arizona – Medicaid and Medicare Advantage
- Healthstar
- HMA (AZ Medical & Rural Networks)
- Humana – Commercial and Medicare Advantage
- Indian Health Services – Statewide
- Intel Connected Care
- John Deer Health Insurance
- Lions Noon and Sunrise Volunteer Program (Flagstaff)
- Lions Club (Tucson)
- Logistics Heath LHI Army Reserves
- Magellan Complete Care AHCCCS
- Medicare Part B
- Mercy Care AHCCCS
- Mercy Maricopa Integrated AHCCCS
- Mercy Care Advantage
- Multi Plan
- NACA (Native Americans for Community Action) Flagstaff only
- National Preferred Provider Network
O – Z
- PHCS (Private Healthcare Systems)
- Premier Vision (Medical Plan is Well Care)
- QTC Medical (Federal Occupational Health Contract includes National Guard)
- Railroad Medicare
- Refuge Medical Assistance Program
- RSA Contract (AZ Department of Economic Security, Rehabilitation Services)
- Rural Arizona Network
- Scan Embrace Plan (ISNP)
- Scan Desert Health (MedAdv)
- SightCare (CRS)
- Southwest Administrators
- Spectera
- StarMark
- Three Rivers (ASPA Network)
- TriWest
- TriWest Healthcare Alliance
- Uniform Medical Plan
- Union Benefits of America Vision Plan
- United Health Care of AZ & Affiliates
- United Community Health Plan (formerly APIPA)
- United Health Care (UHC) – Community Plan (AHCCCS)
- United Health Care (UHC) Medicare Advantage
- United Healthcare Compass
- UHC Tricare
- University Care Medicare Advantage (Banner University)
- University of Arizona Health Plans
- VA Community Care Network (formerly VAPC3)
Vision Insurances
A – M
- Always Vision
- Avesis
- AZ Optometric Association Vision Program
- Davis Vision
- ECCA Managed Vision Care
- Eye Benefits
- EyeMed
Members whose medical insurance is Cigna Commercial or Cigna Medicare Advantage - Humana Vision Care Plan Formerly Comp Benefits
- March Vision
N – Z
- Nationwide Vision (Sightcare)
- Opticare
- Superior Vision Services
- Vision Care Direct
- Vision Benefits of America
- Vision USA Volunteer Program
- VSP (Vision Service Plan)
What are the differences between vision and medical insurance?
Insurance is complicated. It varies based on employer, age and location, and unfortunately, no comprehensive guide exists to navigate it. Here is some information about the differences between medical and vision insurance and what to use when. Specifics will be dependent on your providers, but this should help you better distinguish between what’s available to you.
Vision vs Medical Insurance
Here are two scenarios:
- Your 8-year-old accidentally stabs himself in the eye with a pencil.
- Your glasses are scratched and you need a new pair with an updated prescription.
The first scenario is medical — medical insurance covers emergency care, surgery and eye conditions like glaucoma or infection. Though it might dip into eye health, it has no coverage for routine vision services, like an eye exam.
The second is vision — vision insurance is a bit of a misnomer. It’s not really insurance so much as it is a benefit. It’s a supplemental, discounted program you pay into for preventive maintenance, so when it comes time for your eye exam, you have fewer and less expensive out-of-pocket costs. It doesn’t cover the treatment of diagnoses (like cataracts) but does cover the refraction portion and the wellness exam. Refraction is a vision test performed by your eye doctor to check if you need prescription lenses.
A typical vision plan includes a wellness eye exam, lenses and an allowance for contacts, frames or both. Instead of paying full-price at the time, you’re paying a discounted price each month. A vision plan can save you a few hundred dollars each year.
Vision Insurance | Medical Insurance |
Covers routine eye care services like eye exams and refractive services. | Covers medical eye care services, such as management of eye diseases. |
Benefits typically include an allowance toward glasses and/or contact lenses. | Only covers materials if you have a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA). |
Benefit can only be used one time per calendar year or one time every other year. | Benefit can only be used one time per calendar year or one time every other year. Can be used multiple times throughout the year. |
Learn More About Barnet Dulaney Perkins Affordability
How Can I use Insurance for my Eye Exam?
You can get an annual eye exam using your medical insurance, but it would only include examining for eye conditions and would not cover a prescription for any type of corrective lenses. If you need both care for an eye condition as well as a wellness exam with refraction, you might have to make two different appointments because both insurances can legally not be billed for the same encounter. This can be avoided by paying out of pocket for your refraction and prescription. If you are only interested in getting a routine eye exam and refraction benefit from your vision insurance you will need to do both at the same time, on the same day, otherwise you’ll end up paying separately for both.
We encourage everyone to schedule an annual eye exam to catch eye conditions early and keep your eyes healthy. Visit the Barnet Dulaney Perkins practice near you or call to schedule an appointment. If you’re unsure of whether you should use your vision or medical benefits, ask your eye doctor. They deal with both types of insurance daily and will help you with how best to get coverage.