Greetings to all from Aspen, Colorado, where I’m a participant in the annual Aspen Invitational Refractive Symposium (AIRS). One of the most important things we as eye surgeons can do is to keep abreast of all the latest advances in research, and share them with our colleagues from across the world. The AIRS meeting brings about 80 of the world’s top cataract and refractive surgery specialists together for what is in my experience the single best meeting to accomplish just that. Our very own Dr. David Dulaney is the meeting’s founder, and our practice has always played a key role in this effort to advance the amazing science behind the fields of cataract and refractive surgery. So thanks, Dr. Dulaney, for your key role as a pioneer in eye surgery not just in Phoenix, or Arizona, or even the US, but certainly across the world.